You probably don’t know this but there are just THREE things you have to do to “wake up” the romance center of any man’s brain and turn him into the “Romantic Beast” you deserve (and desire so much). . .

There are just 3 things you have to do to get out of “Romantic Siberia” and get turn your man into the “Romantic Beast” you deserve. . .

First you need to REMIND HIM what a valuable prize you are. . . and bait him into hunting and chasing you again. . .

Second you need to give him *permission* to be a guy. . .

And third you need to make him feel SAFE. . .

And you can do all of that with the cell phone you’ve got in your pocket or purse right now. . .

Just by watching this short video my friend Michael Fiore put up. . .

If you want more than anything for that one guy to HUNT you again, you NEED to watch this video now. . .

P.S. The very beginning of the video shows Mike on The Rachael Ray Show and what happened when one woman used his techniques on her boyfriend.

Make sure you watch the look on Rachael’s face when she sees the results. . .


When I saw U I was afraid to meet U, when I met U I was afraid to kiss U, when I kissed U I was afraid to love U, now that I love U I'm afraid to lose U.

* * * * *

A doctor can save my life. A lawyer can defend my life. A soldier can fight for my life, but only you can give me the true meaning of life.

Whenever I receive a text from you. It makes my whole day. I don't have a heart anymore. You have stolen it.

* * * * *

There’s one thing on earth I never wanted to end. That’s loving you. I Love you so much dear!

* * * * *

Love is a special gift. A special gift is you. Therefore my love is you. It’s logical and true.

sefa altunsoy

You are my life, my happiness, my joy. Without you, life will be so dull and boring I’m so thankful to have you in my life. I love you, darling!

* * * * *

You are always in my mind, In my dreams, when I’m awake, I’m always thinking of you. I just want you to know that I’m missing you so. I Love you so much!

* * * * *

There’s no word can ever express my love for you. I need you and I’m missing you always. I love you!

i love you messages

I’m longing for your smile
I miss your touch
I miss your tender loving care
I can’t wait to see you again.

* * * * *

I can’t imagine my life without you.
You fill the emptiness in my heart
I’m so thankful to have you in my life.
I love you very much sweetie!

* * * * *

For the most wonderful girl I’ve ever known
You just don’t have any idea how much I love you so.
Just remember that I may not be at your side always,
MY heart and soul will always be yours

i love you

Loving you is one of the best things that happen to me.

I will cherish every moment I spent with you.
I will always keep the loving moment in my mind
And I promise that you will be the only one.
I love you, baby!

* * * * * *

You are the most amazing person I have ever met. You make the world a better place to live in. I feel so lucky to be loved by someone like you.

i love you messages for girlfriend

I spent many days and months just dreaming of having you as my girlfriend. Now that I have you, I think I am living a dream that I never want to come out of. You make life seem like a celebration every day sweetheart. I love you.

* * * * *

The best thing I've done in my life is love you
The best gift I've received in my life is your love
And the best thing that has ever happened to me is you
I love you

* * * * *

The shortest definition of happiness is YOU
The shortest definition of love is YOU
The shortest definition of togetherness is YOU
The shortest definition of my life is YOU
I love you

* * * * *

I wish I could tell you I already got over what we decided, but the truth is that I have not been able to overcome it at all. The single thought of living alone, of not sharing my happiness with you and not having you by my side when I need you hurts a lot and does not let me move on

I can not go on with my life, you show up in my mind with every memory, every place and every moment that we lived together. There is no better memory than seeing you laughing, enjoying life together. I miss your kisses and your hugs. I hope you can give me the opportunity of continuing experiencing them.

* * * * *

Despite it happened some time ago, our breakup is a situation that I have not been able to overcome. Everything reminds me of you and with more intensity. The good times we had together were so good, that I do not want to let you go

* * * * *

When things are done well they leave a mark on our lives, our relationship has left me the biggest mark you can ever imagine. I feel like I will never be able to erase it from my heart. You were a great boyfriend and do not want to accept that things do not work as they use to.

* * * * *

I never quite understood your decision, it is something I always find myself thinking about, I guess you got bored, but I have to tell you that I still feel have mixed feelings and that I would like to see you again

sefa altunsoy tuz gölü

You gave meaning to my life, without you, things do not go well, I miss always being together, I miss your smile and your will to live. You are very important to me. You are my one and only love.

* * * * *

My heart can not beat the same rate as it use to, your absence hurts me and all I can think about is reliving the moments that I most enjoyed with you. Give me the chance to show that I have changed

The void that you have left in my soul, no one can fill it like you. You were and you still are the woman that I have always dreamed about. My mistake ended the dream that we lived and now I regret it, I hope you understand and find it in your heart to forgive me. I have not forgotten you

The void that you have left in my soul, no one can fill it like you. You were and you still are the woman that I have always dreamed about. My mistake ended the dream that we lived and now I regret it, I hope you understand and find it in your heart to forgive me. I have not forgotten you

* * * * *


>>Heart drive detected.

mind:/format HEART:

Do you want to format drive HEART?


heart drive formatting…..





To install new o.s press
>Instaling Systems…
>Startup and programme files….
All the files are installed sucessfuly…
Now you are ready for…

* * * * *

When things go wrong…
When sadness fills ur heart…
When tears flow in ur eyes…
Always remember 3 things
1) I’m with u…
2) Still with u…
3) Will ALWAYS b…
bcoz I am in love with you

* * * * *

I wanted to send you all my love
but the postman said it was too big !!!!!

* * * * *

When I think, I think of you,
when I look, I want to look at you.
I am crazy about you,
even if it seems to become an obsession.

rose and love

ROSE is red
SKY is blue
MY love is true &
IT is for YOU

* * * * *

If someone asked me
how many times have you gone through my mind
I would only say once
you came into my mind and never left

Flower is for lover
So flower wont be for ever
So change your lover for ever

* * * * *

A Friends Love says:
If you ever need any thing,
Ill be there.
True Love says:
You will nevr need anything;
I will be there.

* * * * *


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