Mother's Day SMS Messages

You probably don’t know this but there are just THREE things you have to do to “wake up” the romance center of any man’s brain and turn him into the “Romantic Beast” you deserve (and desire so much). . .

There are just 3 things you have to do to get out of “Romantic Siberia” and get turn your man into the “Romantic Beast” you deserve. . .

First you need to REMIND HIM what a valuable prize you are. . . and bait him into hunting and chasing you again. . .

Second you need to give him *permission* to be a guy. . .

And third you need to make him feel SAFE. . .

And you can do all of that with the cell phone you’ve got in your pocket or purse right now. . .

Just by watching this short video my friend Michael Fiore put up. . .

<===> Do these 3 things to turn him into your "Romantic Beast". . . <===>

If you want more than anything for that one guy to HUNT you again, you NEED to watch this video now. . .

<===> He doesn't feel "safe" with you??? <===>

P.S. The very beginning of the video shows Mike on The Rachael Ray Show and what happened when one woman used his techniques on her boyfriend.

Make sure you watch the look on Rachael’s face when she sees the results. . .

<===> Make him chase you with these simple texts. . . <===>


The best SMS text messages for Mother's Day Greet your mother via her mobile then send the flowers!

Most of all the other beautiful things
in life come by 2s and 3s
by dozens and hundreds.
Plenty of roses, stars, sunsets, rainbows,
brothers, and sisters, aunts & cousins,
but only one mother in the whole world."
- Kate Douglas Wiggin


Mothers are like
fine collectibles
as time goes by
they increase in value


The pricey 3 course dinner,
the french choco bonbons,
the dozen roses will never
come close to the sacrifice u made
on my birthday - 8 hours of
intense labor, 5 minutes crowning
plus stitches. Thank You MOM!


Mom lemme give u a shout out:
Happy Mother's Day!


Thank U for giving me life
on my birthday, wish I remember
how u first looked at me & cried
bcoz of how beautiful I was...
Sorry Mom all I got U
4 this Mother's Day is a toaster
Happy Mother's Day!


2 D Most Beautiful Person
in my life! 2D 1 I respect D Most!
The only person my Dad is afraid of!
Hope 2day is special 4 U
Happy Mother's Day Mama! I love U!


When everything gets me down
I only have 1 person 2 turn 2
That's YOU! MOMMY!
U just know what 2 say
& everything u say
makes perfect sense
Ma, Happy Mother's Day!


Being a full-time mother
is 1 high paying nut job
since the payment
is pure love


The greatest tribute
I could ever give u mom
is by being the best
well-mannered, sensitive
person that I could be
bcoz u raised me well that way
and I want u 2 be proud of me
Happy Mother's Day!


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