Love and Valentine's Day Messages

You probably don’t know this but there are just THREE things you have to do to “wake up” the romance center of any man’s brain and turn him into the “Romantic Beast” you deserve (and desire so much). . .

There are just 3 things you have to do to get out of “Romantic Siberia” and get turn your man into the “Romantic Beast” you deserve. . .

First you need to REMIND HIM what a valuable prize you are. . . and bait him into hunting and chasing you again. . .

Second you need to give him *permission* to be a guy. . .

And third you need to make him feel SAFE. . .

And you can do all of that with the cell phone you’ve got in your pocket or purse right now. . .

Just by watching this short video my friend Michael Fiore put up. . .

<===> Do these 3 things to turn him into your "Romantic Beast". . . <===>

If you want more than anything for that one guy to HUNT you again, you NEED to watch this video now. . .

<===> He doesn't feel "safe" with you??? <===>

P.S. The very beginning of the video shows Mike on The Rachael Ray Show and what happened when one woman used his techniques on her boyfriend.

Make sure you watch the look on Rachael’s face when she sees the results. . .

<===> Make him chase you with these simple texts. . . <===>


Give the gift of Love on Valentine's Day via SMS 

3 important rules 4 D love life -
loving much, loving well
& loving appropriately
Happy Valentine's Day!


How high is your love,
how wide is it,
how far will it go,
how deep does it feel?
Love is the reason 4 being.


God is Love,
therefore Love loves me,
and I love Love.
Love gave me Love's Love
2 dwell in me. I can love
with Love's kind of Love
for Love's love is in me.
I Love you all with God's Love.


Should love hurt?
It should hurt truly,
madly & deeply
Otherwise, it doesn't
ring true. Happy Valentine's Day!


Men love simple things:
beer, sports, video games & a girlfriend
who understands their love
4 beer, sports & video games. I'm so
glad I found YOU my love!
Happy Valentine's Day!


“Opportunity knocks 4 every man,
but U have 2 give a woman a ring.”
- Mae West 
Well Valentine's Day is a great day
2 give me a call!


Sometimes a knight in shiny armour
is just an asshole in tinfoil.
Sometimes a frog prince is really
just a toad with warts.
But sometimes a lazy boyfriend
is really just a hot lover madly in love
with you and wants a back rub!
Happy Valentine's Day!


Things a girl just has to have
on Valentine's day - chocolates,
a new cellphone, a Prada bag,
2 pairs of Jimmy Choos,
a new laptop, and a very generous
boyfriend! I'm so glad I have you :)


If you have Love in your life,
U don't need 2 have anything else
but if you don't have it, it doesn't
matter much what else you have.
Happy Valentine's Day!


Instead of thinking about 
what you're missing, 
try thinking about what you have 
that everyone else is missing. 
Well I have YOU in my life!
Happy Valentine's Day!


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